Any individual intending to park in a Clark University lot, whether parking overnight or commuting, is required to purchase a parking decal. Prices for each lot can be found in the 2024/2025 Parking Rules and Regulations document found below. Please click on the “purchase a parking decal using a credit card or bank account routing number” link at the bottom of the page to get started.
Individuals who were unable to purchase a 24-hour decal before they sold out may be placed on a waiting list by emailing PARKING@CLARKU.EDU. You cannot be placed on a waiting list until ALL of the 24-spots have been sold. Those who do not have a decal, will have to seek out street parking around campus, and will be subject to the laws of the City of Worcester. Please visit HTTPS://WWW.WORCESTERMA.GOV/PARKING for more information regarding parking in the city of Worcester.
Please note, SPACES ARE NOT ASSIGNED. You may park in any of the spaces in the lot for which your decal is valid. Your decal number does not have to match the number in the parking space.
Once a decal is purchased for a certain lot, you will NOT have the option to change lots. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF THE ABILITY TO PURCHASE A DECAL ONCE BEING PLACED ON A WAITING LIST.
We are no longer accepting paper applications except for decals for additional vehicles and Fall Only decals (please read the 2024/2025 Parking Rules and Regulations for more information on these types of decals). These will have to be purchased in-person at the University Police station with cash (exact change) or a check made out to Clark University.
Decals CANNOT be transferred to another student. If a vehicle is found with an illegitimate parking decal, they will be ticketed and/or towed.
Your decal will be HELD AT THE POLICE STATION, and will be ready for pick-up upon your arrival to campus.
The Nonresident Student Driver Statement form must be completed for every motor vehicle baring out-of-state (non-Massachusetts) license plates if parked in any of our 24-hour lots. If applicable, please complete this form and either deliver a copy in-person to the Clark University Police station, send it through the mail, or email it to Unlike your parking decal, this decal should remain on your vehicle for as long as you attend classes at Clark and will not need to be renewed every year. If you have already received an out-of-state decal from a previous year, It is not necessary to fill out this form again.
Decals for accessible/disability spots may only be purchased at the police station in person, as these cannot be added to the online inventory without proof of a disability placard or plate. Individuals requiring this type of decal shall email informing us of your necessity to purchase such a decal, so that it can be held aside upon your arrival to campus. Please be sure to present either a photo of your disability license plate OR the physical placard upon purchase. These decals will not be sold without verification of necessity.
By purchasing a decal, you agree to having read and understood the document titled “2024/2025 Parking Rules and Regulations”, which can be found below.